800 Days of Failure …and asbestos

Day 800
Now 468  days after Thistle’s E.ON contract failed on 30/11/16
Now 137  days after Thistle’s E.ON contract failed on 31/10/17
Now 107  days after Thistle’s E.ON contract failed on 30/11/17


Meanwhile, Thistle stays silent …about the asbestos discovery

Thistle Housing management stay silent about the asbestos in blocks, in the roof spaces they tried, unsuccessfully, to hide from residents.

There was an investigation undertaken by the Health & Safety Executive in June 2016, coincidentally the exact same time when roof spaces were left open to the elements for six weeks and E.ON’s labour force disappeared for weeks on end. That, of course, was only the first time the workforce vanished. That was to happen time and time again during the now 800 day long Major Works Programme.


The Lies
Thistle management blamed it on wasp nests. It turned out there was precisely ONE.

The Truth
The truth was slightly different. What they did not tell residents was that the roof spaces were full of asbestos. They did not advise residents as they should have. They hid it and now there are roof spaces full of building debris and asbestos with water tank lids potentially askew allowing asbestos into the bathroom water supply. Is this why they left all the building rubbish in the attics? Too expensive to remove? Thought that residents would never find out?

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The Denial …and more Lies
When this situation was discovered just prior to the Christmas break, the first and usual reaction was silence then denial. The very first action from them, very quickly, was to have new padlocks installed on attic hatches so that residents would be barred from access. Fortunately, sufficient images were taken beforehand to prove the lie from Thistle’s hired clone that they had found four gas fires, two electric fires, a wardrobe, a guitar and Norman Bates’ mother in the attic, all of which was the cause of the asbestos, forgetting, of course, that photographs had already been taken.

With Thistle, any lie will do.

The asbestos sheeting, broken during the building work, will have to be properly removed as will the building refuse after trying to hide this potentially life affecting situation for twenty one months and continuing. This was not a silly wee mistake but a deliberate lie to hide the truth from residents. The mismanaged Major Works Programme cannot be complete until this work is done. Will it ever be complete?

Once again, Toryglen residents witness and experience the lying and possibly dangerous ways of Thistle’s inept and self seeking management and silent committee whose only interest is in themselves.

Thistle Housing’s management have failed in their remit
of due care to Toryglen residents, once more.
These people simply have to go.


About GrabTheThistle

A collection of Toryglen residents whose determination is to ensure Thistle Housing Association Limited, a registered charity with, strangely, an expensively retained firm of PR consultants, ceases its ingrained culture of secrecy and applies all its resources for the betterment of *all* residents in Old Toryglen. Not just its selected pals. Friends. Fellow travellers and flag wavers.
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  1. Pingback: Thistle Housing – The Truth, The Whole Truth and Nothing but the Lies! | GrabTheThistle: The Toryglen Residents' Blog

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