A Storm in a Teacup?

Day 648
Now 320 days after Thistle’s E.ON contract failed on 30/11/16

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Is this “ECO Managed Services Contract” or EON Unmanaged No Services Failed Contract?

Well, well, well, No one turned up. There’s an unusual surprise. A week later, still no one.

Par for the course.

A storm brewing?
See here.
Residents must hope that there will be no damage
otherwise who would carry out repairs?

Maybe Thistle knew, more than a week ago, that there was going to be a hurricane/storm/bit of rain/anything at all and that’s why no workers appeared to do any work, “weather permitting“. Of course, the entire summer was missed just like the vast majority of the summer a year ago when there were no workers.

Or maybe it was just simply that E.ON has no workforce and that Thistle management is just full of wind.

Mind you, had they told E.ON about the letter (above) they  had sent to residents, maybe they could have conjured up one or two unskilled labourers from somewhere but it seems that the E.ON “boots on the ground” knew nothing about the letter to residents or any re-commencement of work.

Witness, yet again, Thistle management living in Lala Land, issuing letters with little to no content, unachieved dates and, of course, nothing done.

How many times has that been happened?


Just a wee insight into the “just a few residents”, eventually 152 of them, complaining at a meeting NOT held by Thistle management but by residents. This picture taken before everyone had entered the school hall. Ran out of seats!

An ordinary person in the street, any street in Toryglen, would be wondering why, by this time, Thistle has just not commenced  a legal case against E.ON. After all, it’s not that there’s any shortage of evidence. Unless, of course, they are afraid to. Something that has to be hidden?

Going by Thistle’s reputation and their score card to date, can they be trusted? Should they be trusted? Will they ever be trusted again?

The Major Works Programme now is in its third winter with no end in sight. E.ON has now admitted that defective and poor quality windows cills have to be replaced resulting in scaffolding having to be re-erected. Twinkly lights on the scaffolding for Christmas again?

This Major Works Programme or whatever Thistle calls it now, is no more than a continuing farce run (or not run) by those who, time after time, have proven themselves to be incapable. 320 days after Thistle’s contract (with no penalty clauses) with E.ON collapsed in utter failure, still not completed, still with no completion dates, still with no workforce. Thistle management should hang their heads in profound shame but they don’t as the salary till continues to ring generously.

Meanwhile, Thistle stays silent.

A Wee UpdateScreen Shot 2017-10-16 at 12.33.46It has been reported that there were some yellow hiviz jaickets mooching around the square in Kerrycroy Avenue earlier this morning. No actual workers but the usual palaver of standing, pointing upwards.

As it turns out, it was another ‘independent’ survey into the quality of E.ON’s work on the External Wall Insulation (EWI) being carried out by the British Board of Agrement (BBA) not by Thistle Housing or E.ON but only at the behest of residents and subsequently insisted upon by Nicola Sturgeon, MSP. More information on BBA inspections can be found here.

The BBA Examiner was accompanied by Glasgow City Council’s representative, Paul Nolan (who is, contrary to general opinion, not retained by Thistle Housing) and Clive Vitesse, E.ON’s Health & Safety representative. It is expected that all the poor workmanship will definitely have been pointed out to the BBA Examiner in the same manner as residents would have.

The report will be made directly to Nicola Sturgeon, MSP and E.ON.

Thistle Housing is not a recipient of the report unless they are allowed sight of it via E.ON. Hopefully, at a meeting between Ms Sturgeon and residents, already arranged for this coming Friday, 20 October 2017, some initial information will be available.

About GrabTheThistle

A collection of Toryglen residents whose determination is to ensure Thistle Housing Association Limited, a registered charity with, strangely, an expensively retained firm of PR consultants, ceases its ingrained culture of secrecy and applies all its resources for the betterment of *all* residents in Old Toryglen. Not just its selected pals. Friends. Fellow travellers and flag wavers.
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