A Slip in Time?

Day 649
Now 321 days after Thistle’s E.ON contract failed on 30/11/16

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Payment for proven performance? The shape of things to come?

  • Nine days after Thistle told residents E.ON would be back to work on 9 October 2017, no sign of any workforce.
  • Two blocks, in particular, after being ignored for a year, are now more than three months late, no workers onsite. (* See footnote)
  • There is growing concern regarding cracking roughcast, sodden insulation, dampness in homes, the fear that hundreds or even thousands of window cills have to be replaced with all the scaffolding and roughcast repairs that would mean.
  • Into a third winter and the Major Works Programme lies moribund and incomplete with serious defects unattended.
  • More than 220 homes with unattended faults.
  • 70 homes either not started or not completed.
  • Membership applications halted in case new members don’t agree with Thistle.

Thistle management and the Management Committee wonder why residents are angry?

Have Thistle, at any time, done anything right, first time? They might wish to blame E.ON but at all times, whilst E.ON have been clearly inept, this programme was forced by Thistle, any agreements were with Thistle not E.ON, indeed, Thistle has written to residents banning them from discussing matters with third party contractors. Thistle is liable for this unending disaster.

With all the lies, stories and an incalculable number of improbable fantasy dates sold with impunity (thus far) to residents, the inexplicable failure of the Major Works Programme, now 321 days late and the complete refusal of Thistle’s senior management to enter into open and fair dialogue with residents, the silence from the Management Committee, the body which is supposed to govern Thistle Housing, is profoundly deafening.

The responsibility for failure is partially at the collective doorstep of the members of the Committee, together with its unknown and unexplained Chairperson of whom nothing is known by residents, a Committee latterly increased by the introduction of two unknown and yet to be explained external co-optees from other housing associations. Why are they there? What is their brief? For what reason? Has an external body suggested or forced their introduction? Is there a cost to the Association? The Committee members might know. Thistle’s senior management will know. Do residents know? No. Thistle management refuse to tell. Why?

This appears to be a moribund and secret Management Committee which has basically revolved around the same coterie of people for years. Thistle senior management claim that they want new blood in the Committee but when the opportunities present themselves, any and all vacuous excuses and lies are used to deny others’ applications.

However, it may well be the case that Committee members do not fully realise that their performance and decisions to date will soon be under the microscope, especially when the official investigation starts firing off. The excuse of, ‘I was only doing as I was told’ won’t work. Their actions (and inactions) will be investigated and possibly, the anecdotal stories circulating, ranging from the impossible, the apparent ease to which some tenant applicants have managed to get homes in Toryglen to such ridiculous and surely unbelievable tales that there is a Management Committee member who rents property from Thistle but, at the same time, owns private property which is rented out for personal gain. Surely, that cannot be true? This sort of unsubstantiated stuff has to be nipped in the bud, although if there is any truth to even the smallest extent, they will be questions to answer.

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Even senior E.ON management subscribe to this wee blog via Linkedin.
According to linkedin.com, Mr Lightfoot has worked for E.ON, its predecessors and in the power business in general for 29 years.
By all accounts, he’s one of the good ones and has already had discussions with the First Minister regarding the Major Works Disaster.

All in all, since the contract (with no penalty clauses) was agreed with E.ON twenty one months ago (and all the lies which are attached to that) and then failed 321 days ago today, Thistle’s senior management and Management Committee have hardly covered themselves in glory. In fact, their performance, by any measure, has been disgraceful.

Everything in and around Thistle Housing is considered and maintained as secret. Nothing is open. No one is allowed opinions. No one is allowed to question. Unlike the vast majority of housing associations, there is no website. There is no Facebook presence. There are no easily available published minutes of meetings, accounts, plans, explanations, tenant’s handbooks, rules. Residents are told little to nothing except via the occasional ‘Thistle News’, a propaganda mechanism if there ever was one.

When pressed, Thistle management waxes lyrical about the association being a charity. Not a lot of charity being shown in and around the Major Works Programme and the complaining residents. Besides, the charity status is little more than an accounting requirement. It’s hardly Oxfam. Mind you, Thistle, like Oxfam, awards company cars.

Even the AGM was a farce. No questions allowed. Microphone switched off. Desperation to get the bingo started and the free teas and sandwiches doled out and, of course, the many, many valuable prizes to be handed out. There were so many prizes, some won multiple prizes. Unlike other housing associations whereby the AGM is the first and main reason for the meeting. With Thistle, it’s the bingo and prizes so the AGM is rushed.

Anyone who has challenged management’s decisions, asked questions, argued and disputed their actions, has been tarred as a bully and bringing the Association into disrepute. Utterly risible. Well, it would be if they weren’t such baseless accusations. No questions allowed, no information offered, lies and stories issued, dates given that a dead person would laugh at. Yes, Thistle Housing Association ( which has not met government targets and apparently, not for the first time) now has a dreadful reputation but not due to the actions of residents but to senior management’s ineptitude and bullying attitude.

The newspapers know they are wrong. Local politicians know they are wrong. Only Thistle management think they are in the right but at no time should they be criticised. ‘We are the factors and you’ll do as you’re told’. Yes, that used to work many years ago. Not any longer. All residents, no matter if they are tenants or owners, are customers and contribute all of Thistle’s income. It is Thistle management who have brought the residents’ association into disrepute but attempt to blame everyone and anyone else but themselves. They have poisoned the well.

What if residents had not put up a fight? What if residents hadn’t discovered the shoddy workmanship carried out by ever changing, lowest priced untrained foreign labour? What if residents hadn’t got together to compare notes? What if residents hadn’t question the dubious prices of work, frequently double the figures estimated by similar trades people? What if residents hadn’t been forced to talk to the media? What if residents hadn’t brought the whole situation to the attention of local politicians? What if residents hadn’t kicked the ball of compensation? That sure is bullying and intimidation, isn’t it? Whilst the programme is dreadfully late, think anything would have been anywhere near as far as they are now if residents had been subservient and unquestioning as Thistle expected them to be? Thistle never, for one moment, thought residents would investigate for themselves and argue.

The sad thing is, none of it was necessary. All Thistle had to do was to treat residents with a bit of respect, with a modicum of courtesy, a bit of decency, involve residents in the decision making. But no. They didn’t. They were right, in everything, at all times and any mistakes and disasters were buried away out of sight with excuses and stories being conjured up as and when required. That worked well.

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Clipped from Facebook

Thistle management and the Committee may now wish to contemplate the future in detail, possibly the not too distant future and given their performance over the past twenty one months or so with the utterly failed Major Works Programme, examine closely their suitability within Thistle Housing Association.

After all, the Association belongs to the residents of Toryglen not to Grace McColgan, Secretary/Director or Patricia Jamieson, Chairperson or their generously paid and under performing cronies.

The third winter is here, the wind blows, corroding scaffolding rattles and shakes, no workmen onsite, nothing is done, no one knows when this will end.


Meanwhile, Thistle stays silent. 

*A Wee Update
An email received just after 0800 this morning from a resident that the scaffolding company, R Scaffolding Services Limited, was quickly removing their scaffolding from the incomplete block in Kerrycroy Avenue during the pouring rain and wind. Bit strange given that everything is done or rather not done on the basis of ‘weather permitting’. Maybe the scaffolder hadn’t been paid which has been the situation previously.

In any case and for whatever reason, about time. Only more than three months behind schedule but as there has been no work done on that block for three months, why wasn’t the scaffolding removed earlier? Residents will be overjoyed. Now comes the opportunity of having a close look at the quality of work. Perhaps, this being one of the two final blocks, lessons may have been learned and the work done properly. That would be a first!

Another resident has reported that a number of E.ON hirelings appeared around 0900 this morning, without notice, to start fixing her damaged windows and garden. Great stuff as she’s only been waiting for months. Again, so much for the selective “weather permitting” get out clause. Mind you, fairly recently, she had some discussions with Martin and Scott from E.ON who promised it would be done. These two guys, together with wee Clive the Health & Safety man, seem to be good ‘uns. Hey, credit where credit’s due.

Let Caroline Know
It is understood that Nicola Sturgeon’s Constituency Manager has a large and growing list of complaints and images from residents throughout Toryglen. There is no point in moaning about the faults in your house, no point in phoning Thistle as they have simply lost the plot and are panicking. Have a quick blether with Caroline. She’s on the case on behalf of constituents.

Her telephone number is 0141 424 1174

More contact information here

About GrabTheThistle

A collection of Toryglen residents whose determination is to ensure Thistle Housing Association Limited, a registered charity with, strangely, an expensively retained firm of PR consultants, ceases its ingrained culture of secrecy and applies all its resources for the betterment of *all* residents in Old Toryglen. Not just its selected pals. Friends. Fellow travellers and flag wavers.
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